Bishops can help the church get a new image by sending a request to Pope Francis
Synod discussions have shown that bishops, priests and all men and women of faith are equal. All members are called to practice justice and care for one another and especially those in need. They are called to proclaim the gospel by their actions. When local community leaders are chosen to motivate volunteers, they and collages from the same region can be helped by a facilitator who is able to manage diocesan charitable aid projects, provide mutual contact of local leaders and their training, and run an aid address to which local leaders can refer poor people for free expert advice,
The first step has been taken by communities that have entrusted leadership to both women and men. A second step has been taken by Pope Francis, who has entrusted some ministerial posts in the Vatican to women. The next step could be taken by bishops who, after consulting on possible candidates with the council of local community leaders, request Pope Francis to appoint a man or woman as co-adjutor for the exclusive purpose of establishing some kind of auxiliary hospital locally.